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Masterclass of IREB facilitated by Valori.
  • General introduction of IREB and CPRE (what is it, how did it come about, etc.)
  • The importance of Requirements Engineering
  • The Requirements Engineering Process from A-Z (high-over):
    1. Source analysis
    2. Revealing of Requirements from the sources
    3. Documenting the Requirements
    4. Validation of Requirements
  • IREB meets BABOK 
Bio speaker
Yannick van Leeuwen, 31 years old (32 years old at the time of the presentation) and works as a Business Analysis Consultant at Valori. I have a background in Sales and Data Analysis at Adidas, where I started my career. After working for Adidas for seven years, I decided to change course and delve into IT / Software development at Valori. I have been working here for three years now, where I have completed assignments for various clients such as ING Bank, the FNV and the Cultural Heritage Agency. During my years at Valori, I also received various training courses and obtained certificates, during which I delved further into the subject of Requirements Engineering (hereinafter: RE). Because in my opinion RE is taken for granted in many organizations, while it is a very important aspect within IT / Software development, I have developed my own training in collaboration with Valori. This training helps professionals prepare for the CPRE Foundation exam, a leading exam within the world of RE.
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